Now, there’s this whole idea of putting work/life balance in a box as to what the balance should look like. But our life is always changing and the things around us are always evolving. Therefore, balance is always shifting for us.
What is balanced for us at one point may not be balanced at a different point, and so you have to find what works for you at any given point in your life.
It’s essential that we all make an effort to invest in ourselves – and that includes taking some time off, doing things to keep you healthy and stress-free, and making your life full and rich, whatever that means for you.
6 Ways to Achieve Work/Life Balance In 2022
- Be realistic and kind to yourself in handling “urgent” tasks.
Research shows that legal departments that reduced the amount of unplanned, high urgency work were more effective and more efficient. Sometimes these high urgency tasks need to be attended to. And sometimes, the urgency is perceived, not real. It’s important to learn to distinguish between the two.
- Ensure proactive communication with your clients.
While it’s crucial to stick to the timelines, there’s also stress that comes with self-imposed urgency. Renegotiate deadlines when necessary and ensure proactive communication to make sure everybody’s on the same page.
- Block some time off to re-energize yourself.
Our tips for this include:
- Block off one hour in the middle of most of my days so you don’t end up with back-to-back calls.
- Make it a habit to not check work emails within an hour before bed.
- Set daily reminders for motivation and inspiration.
It can be helpful to stick post-it notes around your office with reminders to help you reframe stress and put things in perspective.
- Start doing at least 20 minutes of movement during the workday.
Doing something to get yourself out of your seat and move around a few times a day between tasks can really be beneficial. You might consider:
- Blocking off 20 minutes of your day doing yoga or going outside to get some fresh air.
- Doing something to get yourself out of your seat and move around a few times a day between tasks.
- Enjoy your time off – intentionally.
Balance is more achievable if you make an effort not to think about work during your time off. If you spend time replying to emails or going down the rabbit hole of those work stressors during your time off, you will no longer have the energy and the attention once you get back to work. Instead, spend your time off focusing on and engaging with family and friends, and other activities.
If you want to learn more about balancing work and life in 2022, check out
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